Archive for the ‘ Blog ’ Category

Dental Implants: What You Need to Know

Dental implants are a great way of replacing missing teeth. If you are considering a dental implant, you may have some questions about the procedure. Take a look at this blog post to learn the basics of dental implants. What is a Dental Implant? Dental implants are small screw-like posts made out of titanium. They […]

Tips for a Speedy Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal can be uncomfortable to some degree; however, the amount of pain varies from person to person. Below are a few things to keep in mind after wisdom teeth removal for a successful recovery. Rest. Plan on taking it easy the first 24-48 hours after surgery. Keeping your head and shoulders elevated during […]

5 Reasons to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

So, your dentist has recommended having your wisdom teeth removed? It may be tempting to avoid the hassle of having your wisdom teeth removed, but skipping over this procedure could lead to other complications in the future. When it comes to your wisdom teeth, it is better to take preventative action to avoid all of […]